To Come…..
Location: Millgrove Community Centre
Members Present: Life Member Paul, Kin Arie, Kin Vesta, Kin Greg, Kin Jackie, Kin John, Kin Emily, Kin Katelyn, Kin Rickard
Guests Present: Mike
Members Not Present: Kin Pete
Call to order: 5:30PM
Address to the Chair: None
Treasurers Report: None
Secretary Report: None
Hall Report: Hall is starting to pick up. A couple weekly rentals are starting.
Registrars Report: None
Membership Report: None
Project Reports:
–Medieval Festival – Ancaster Fairgrounds, Weekend went well. Student Volunteers were adequate, except one and he was exceptional!
Upcoming Projects:
- Peach Festival: Jackie, Greg and Paul are attending meetings. We are allowed to sell Turkey Legs and Pickles, Pop, Water. A food grade hose is to be purchased for the peach festival. 24 buckets of pickles and 1200 Turkey legs to be purchased for sale during the Peach Festival. 2 weeks before the festival we need to clean the BBQ’s and other items and prepped for the festival.
- –FLC: 150 bags to be made up. Sponsorship letter will be sent out to put logo on one side of the bag and Kin Logo on the other side. Emily will do up a sponsorship letter.
- –Movie Night: July 24th, we will work out the details at the next meeting.
- Elections:
- President: Motioned – Jackie, Second – John for Paul Durdin to be preseident, Accepted (Richard to Shadow)
- Vice President: Motioned – John, Second – Paul for Jackie Webber to be vice presidnet, Accepted
- Secretary: Motioned by Greg, Second by Paul for Vesta to be Secretary, Accepted
- Treasurer: Motioned by Vesta, Second by Paul for Greg to be Treasurer, Accepted
- Risk Management: Motioned and seconded, for John to be Risk Manager, Accepted
- Membership: Motioned and Seconded, for Arie to be Membership Director, Accepted
- Communications Director: Motion by Paul and Second by Jackie for John to be Communications Director, Accepted
- Hall Chairperson: Motioned by Vesta, Seconded by John for Jackie to be Hall Chairperson, Accepted
National Convention AD will be Shawn Holwyd, Carol Van Rooy will be alterate AD
Volunteer hours were collected and to be submitted to Kin Canada
Next Meeting June 23rd 2024 at 4PM